Sunday, June 26, 2016

In the morning we woke up rested and revived

history channel documentary 2015 In the morning we woke up rested and revived. To begin with thing on our brains was nourishment and lager. We hurried off to a nearby eatery in Arequipa where we ate alpaca meat and swallowed brew. Kid was it even incredible. We went out for a stroll around the city, which was delightful, some nearby houses of prayer, and even a community, and afterward bounced right once more into the following eatery. We requested the biggest and most costly gourmet dinner they had on their menu. It was just $8 USD! We devoured fish throughout the day and after that did a reversal to our lodging and hung out with some different voyagers from Australia and Europe, while sharing containers and jugs of wine!

In the morning we began our drive to Puno. We ceased off in Juliaca basically coincidentally. This city was a wreck. There was activity and people on foot and prepares and everything else you can envision everywhere. It was unquestionably not a spot for drivers so we utilized our Blackberry GPS, got out, and continued onward. We touched base in Puno late that night and at the end of the day, couldn't locate the run of the mill "two pieces north of the principle square" lodging. Be that as it may, in the end we discovered it and moved our stuff in. We had a speedy nibble to eat and strolled through the downtown and after that went to rest. The following up and coming few days would have been extreme!

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