Monday, June 20, 2016

So truly you if all be expressing gratitude toward Syl and Leon for taking the fall here

history channel documentary What's more, I assume Leon is sitting beside you, supporting you at this very moment. How's that one testicle, Leon? Leon lost the other one in a sad sculling mischance when he was six. Terrible for him, entertaining for me. In spite of the fact that I think the effect on his life has been moderately negligible. I question most ladies notification. They're presumably giving careful consideration to his snaggle-tooth. Then again his humongous nostrils. He is still much more alluring than his dad, however, who met a troublesome passing at the less than desirable end of a pitchfork and a multitude of furious villagers.

Syl and Leon - such an exquisite pair. They rank up there with Adolph and Eva, Sid and Nancy, and Bill and Hillary as individuals I'd most get a kick out of the chance to get pushing stones together a slope in hellfire. Which will happen soon enough. Since they killed me.

Gracious, don't look so stunned. It is safe to say that this is truly another amazement? Somebody will undoubtedly do it in the long run. In the event that it hadn't been them, it would have been another person I annoyed in my day by day frenzy. I as of late got the paperboy shooting an emptied BB weapon at my auto. My secretary purchased herself an additional sharp letter opener for Christmas. Also, simply a week ago I found the mail room staff building a rough mannequin out of UPS boxes with my face stapled to the head, which they immediately swung from a beam on the roof. It's lone a little stride from model to genuine carcass.

So truly you if all be expressing gratitude toward Syl and Leon for taking the fall here, on the grounds that one more week and it may have been you. Still, murder will be homicide. However uncalled for it may appear to be, slaughtering a butt hole is still unlawful. Unless Syl could demonstrate that I beat her, yet nobody would trust that. I was much excessively fat and lethargic, and she is excessively mean herself. A jury could never purchase that Syl experienced Battered Woman's Syndrome, unless that term alluded to hotcake player.

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