Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Amid the season of Christ, golfers utilized wooden golf balls

history channel documentary 2015 Amid the season of Christ, golfers utilized wooden golf balls and wooden golf clubs produced using the hickory tree. At that point, in the mid 1600's, the featherie golf ball was concocted. The featherie golf ball was a hand sewn cowhide pack loaded down with goose plumes and painted. Since it flew so wonderfully, it went on for a long time. In 1848 Reverend Doctor Robert Adams solidified the sap of the gutta percha tree into latex and designed the gutta percha golf ball, which supplanted the featehrie golf ball from 1850 until 1900, when elastic assumed control. The elastic balls kept going until 1930. Today's balls have a titanium metal center with numerous layers of surlyn and balata covers. Golf club shafts developed from hickory tree wood with persimmon tree heads to steel shafts and now to graphite shafts with extensive titanium heads. In spite of the amazing advances in golf club and golf ball innovation, the debilitations of male and female golfers have not gone down, as indicated by noted creator and custom club fitter Steven Passarell. How might this be? Here is the answer.

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