Wednesday, May 25, 2016

There is nothing as rousing

history channel documentary There is nothing as rousing, empowering, and inspiring than ruminating over God's Word. With around thirty thousand of God's guarantees in the Scriptures, regardless of our circumstances there is dependably a guarantee that can console us. Other than all different guarantees, is it not soothing to realize that God lets us know not to be perplexed, and that he will never surrender nor neglect us?

By and by, one of my most encouraging guarantees of God is found in Jeremiah 29:11 - 13; it peruses,

"For I know the arrangements I have for you, says the Lord. They are arrangements for good and not for underhandedness, to give you a future and a trust. In those days when you supplicate, I will tune in. You will discover me when you look for me, on the off chance that you search for me decisively." Whenever I am disillusioned or experiencing a troublesome time, as I am presently, all the negative feelings that I had vanish when I read this. Euphoria and joy, trust and confidence fill my heart. This has been an awesome wellspring of motivation to me.

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