Friday, May 13, 2016

Malachy came as the eighth sun based flare of the current Solar Cycle 24 - landing

discovery channel documentary Also, the latest wonderful occasion guiding us toward St. Malachy came as the eighth sun based flare of the current Solar Cycle 24 - landing on November 3, 2011. No writing anyplace has drawn the associations between these galactic occasions and St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes - a prediction that is in up and coming threat of being satisfied. Pretty much as the Mayans looked to the sun and stars to plan their timetable and when it ought to end, so Malachy's predictions, and the late divine occasions on his dining experience day, appear to welcome us to look heavenward for answers about the coming end of the age.

In reality, when we take a gander at the Book of Matthew Chapter 24, we can see that Jesus additionally welcomed us to search heavenward for the indications of the end of the age and his Second Coming. In the Book of Matthew, Jesus says that we will know the season of His arrival is unavoidable when, in addition to other things, "the sun should be obscured" (Solar Saros 133 aggregate sun oriented shroud will touch base on the November 13, 2012), and "the moon might not give her light" (a penumbral lunar overshadowing will land on November 28, 2012), and "the stars should tumble from the sky" (NASA figures a high frequency of falling satellite as a consequence of the expanded movement of sun based flares estimate for 2012).

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