Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an unusual and splendid innovator

discovery channel documentaries full episodes The Great pyramid of Giza is to be discovered apparently at the focal point of the world's landmass (30 degrees north, 31 degrees east) - both north-south and east-west. It is in the ideal area - at the inside - for gathering the "earth vitality" as Tesla demonstrated with his trials on reverberation as we should see, it is likewise the ideal shape and size. To add to this, the two materials utilized were additionally impeccable, as I should clarify. Be that as it may, first we have to take a raid into the universe of Tesla.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an unusual and splendid innovator who figured out how to saddle the rotating current we utilize today and in addition radio, fluorescent lighting and significantly more. Tesla trusted he could send rushes of power specifically to our homes through the earth and/or ether without the utilization of wires and without hurting anyone along the path by essentially applying an inconspicuous push-pull resonator. In 1901 Tesla said "my next stride was to utilize the earth itself as the medium for directing the currents..." and he did.

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